How (A)theist are you?
In Richard Dawkins Book “The God Delusion” , the author shows a scale from 1 to 7 on which we can rank our certainty [or lack there-of] of god’s existence.
- Strong Theist. 100% probability of God. In the words of C. G. Jung, – ‘I do not believe, I know.’
- Very High probability but short of 100%. De facto theist. – ‘I cannot know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there.’
- Higher than 50% but not very high. Technically agnostic but leaning toward theism. ‘I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God.’
- Exactly 50% but not very high. Completely impartial agnostic. ‘God’s existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable.’
- Lower than 50% but not very low. Technically agnostic but leaning toward atheism. ‘I don’t know whether God exists but I’m inclined to be sceptical.’
- Very low probability, but short of zero. De facto atheist. ‘I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there.’
- Strong atheist. ‘I know there is no God with the same conviction as Jung ‘knows’ there is one.’
I just saw this. We were having a discussion on the same spectrum in buzz and one buzzer has posted this link. Please visit that one too…
Saswath, thank you for visiting this site. Take a look at here -=
The gradation of theistic/atheistic inclinations tabled above is deceptive subjectivism as it is in the case of belief itself: What empirical tool the evaluator has adopted to measure the stages of theism and atheism? Anybody can go to any extent when it is question of belief. Non-believers should not have stooped to this low: A theist is a theist, no ranks and grades. So long as theism prevails, atheism has to exist: An atheist is an atheist, no ranks and grades for atheism.
എസ് ഐ അം ആന് അതെഇസ്ട.ഹുമനിടി ഈസ് മൈ പസ്സിഒന്.രെലിഗിഒന് ഒണ്ലി ഗിവ് വെരി ഷോര്ട്ട് ടൈം പീസ് ലൈക് എ ബത്തേരി രേച്ചര്ഗെ.ഇറ്റ് ഈസ് അബുസിനെസ്സ് നോ ആന്ഡ് മാകെ ഹുഗെ പ്രോഫറ്റ്.ആന് അതെഇസ്ട ആന്ഡ് രറേനല്ലി തിങ്കിംഗ് പീപ്പിള് നെവെര് ഫിലെദ് ഇന് തെഇര് ലൈഫ്.