My 100 Questions – Part 3
21. According to religions, God destroys everything that he creates; then why can’t he be prosecuted?
No court can excuse a father killing his son. But God kills all his children irrespective of their belief. Then why did some people pray to him instead of shooting him at first sight?
22. If Pop was hanged on Wednesday for some reason, will we call it a Good Wednesday? And the rope used as Holy?
23. How can we justify God punishing children for their forefather’s mistake? Adam and Eve made a crime but….?
God is punishing the children of Adam and Eve. Jesus sacrificed himself for saving us. But even after that, God is punishing us. All these things appears nonsense to me. What about you?
24. One can see the Sun when he/she looks in the sky. Is it necessary to join in any religion to see the Sun?
If we eat, our hunger will be stopped. We don’t want to pray for it separately. If we keep our mind calm in meditation, we will have peace. Then why should one pray for such natural or spiritual achievements? Why should one need a religion for such gains? Why should one need God?
25. Sankara in his Advaida said, Brahman is real and Jagat (Universe) is imaginary. But Jagat still exists. How?
Sankaracharya is no more, but this Universe remains here. So what was imaginary, Universe or Sankara’s Words? This basic principle of Advaida (Jagat mitya) has been questioned by Brahmananda Sivayogi. If somebody having the answer may please respond.
26. Can an illiterate become a Doctor if he joins in your Religion?
My friend is an illiterate. He is 50 years old. He wants to help the poor patients and so he wish to be a doctor. Since I am an atheist, I can’t promise him. I heard some Gods can do miracles. Can you help him please?
27. If God can forgive you, help you, save you or curse you; God could have a brain and mind. Ever think of that?
Brain and mind needs a body also. Body needs air, water and food to live. That implies such things were existed at the beginning itself. So, who was the Creator of air, water and food according to your belief? If you got my point, please respond
28. Usually I save ants sinking in water without a request or pray. But God never saves innocents in crisis, why?
Kind hearted people will save ants, birds etc. in danger without accepting any fees from them or without waiting for their prayer. Religions say God is kind hearted. Even after years of pray and even after spending a good amount; endless pain and sufferings remain in the world. Nobody comes to save the orphan, innocent creatures. Tell me who is kind hearted, me or God?
29. If Theists can spread non logic and ignorance; then why Atheists not to spread logic and knowledge?
Theists are working hard to spread ignorance in the world. They are acting smart. Then why can’t we spread logical things for the benefit of the world?
30. Why God is not strong enough to prevent theft atleast in Churches, Mosques, Temples etc.?
An ant or a bee can do a little to prevent enemies attacking them. God can atleast stop the thief from running outside the temple such that the police people can caught him easily! Shall we assume that God has no strength that of an ant or a bee?
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